Scope of works:
  1. Acquisition of any necessary approvals and permits to enter the site in order to carry out the works.
  2. Removal of trees and shrubs specified in the project documentation.
  3. Construction and start-up of MałaszewiczeTraction Substation, along with land development works.
  4. Repair of the road leading to Małaszewicze Traction Substation, based on agreement with the local Municipal Office.
  5. Start-up of RS Piszczacswitching station, along with land development works.
  6. Repair of the road leading to Piszczac switching station.
  7. Construction and start-up of feeder, return, and control cables, as well as fibre optic tract.
  8. Construction and start-up of telecom/telecontrol system at the facility and executing the subordinations between the neighbouring substations.
  9. Construction and start-up of LPN/LPT cables.
  10. Design of a deep well and acquisition of permit required under Water Management Act, and permit for construction of the well, as well as performance of geological drilling works.
  11. Construction and start-up of 110kV feeder line, with fibre optic tract, from GPZPiszczac (PGE) to RS Piszczacand from RS Piszczacto PT Małaszewicze.
  12. Construction and start-up of telecom/telecontrol system at the facility and executing the subordinations between the neighbouring substations.
  13. Performance of the required examinations, trials and tests.
  14. Construction of an driveway to the traction substation, as specified in the construction permit.
  15. Preparing as-built documentation, including land survey.
  16. Obtaining a permit for exploitation of the newly built infrastructure in line with the applicable Construction Law of 07 July 1994.
Status of the project:


Client: PKP Energetyka S.A.