Integrated Management System

Our activities are guided by high ethical standards and the philosophy of total quality management (TQM), as evidenced by the implemented Integrated Quality, Environmental and OHS Management System, in compliance with ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 and ISO 45001:2018.

While we execute the projects and satisfy the needs of our clients, we also pay attention to the environment and to high standards of service quality. We attach great importance to ensuring safe working conditions.

The system implemented by us is continuously improved owing to systematically conducted reviews aiming to ensure its effectiveness. The certificates awarded to our Company reflect the efficiency of our operations.

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Code of Ethics

The Company has for many years attached great importance to the implementation of procedures and instructions relating to the processes carried out, and to the evaluation of their effectiveness. Being an important element of our integrated management system, our Anti-Corruption Policy aims to support activities to build awareness of any corruption risks. The standards by which we are guided, and which we expect our business partners to follow, are contained in the GRINEA sp. z o.o. Code of Ethics.

We encourage you to read its provisions.

If you have any questions or concerns, we encourage you to contact us at the following e-mail address:

Company tax strategy

Grinea operates in a transparent manner, respecting the law and the rules of fair competition. The company does not apply any aggressive tax strategy. All business operations are genuine in nature.

This document presents our Company’s position on the tax strategy for 2020 and the tax obligations in the Republic of Poland.

strategia podatkowa